Peter Doig: No Foreign Lands
It is funny that if I had painted these paintings I would think, oh they are not good enough, I had better work on them to make them better. That is how much I know; the Art World has embraced them. What I do like is that they are paintings, an exuberant abundance of paint and colour on canvas.
In an interview in Canadian Art, The Closer You Get: An Interview with Peter Doig Doig says some interesting things, many of which I agree with. For example, they ask him what he is learning from his paintings:
PD: I’m questioning where I am in the world, where I live in the world, thinking about other people, thinking about their situations. I think what I am doing is important—not because painting is important. As an activity, it’s important to actually do something. I feel guilty if I’m not painting. Once you succumb to painting, you have to carry on with it. Gerhard Richter said something very interesting to me—I’m not a huge fan of Gerhard Richter’s work, but he said, if you think about it too much, you stop doing it. That’s a great way of thinking about painting. You have to put your blinkers on, and stop thinking."